I have a dream...
Well, had, really.
I was a bigger, meaner, tougher Tony Blair, and I was in charge of a post apocalyptical UK, with the Labour party as my Mad Max style gang and the Tories as rivals.
I had a meeting with John Major, for some reason, and it ended in an incredible barney. This rumble included me smashing Michael Portillo and Iain Duncan Smith with a chair and a table, respectively. Gordon brown also threw someone through a wall, which was totally amazing.
If you've ever watched Prime Minister's Question on tv (lolf, I'm a big saddo) then you'll realise that this isn't actually very far from the truth. Although they don't actually assault each other, they wave their programmes around, shout through them and roll them up and throw them at each other (I made that last one up, and probably the second one as well).
It's totally brilliant.
On a forum I frequent (filled with the brightest stars in the galaxy, to quote one of them) we're having a bit of a debate about how to get people in this country more involved with politics. I think that in this case, as with everything, public displays of violence are the push we all need!
I want to see MPs doing this, and I want to see it every single day.
I was a bigger, meaner, tougher Tony Blair, and I was in charge of a post apocalyptical UK, with the Labour party as my Mad Max style gang and the Tories as rivals.
I had a meeting with John Major, for some reason, and it ended in an incredible barney. This rumble included me smashing Michael Portillo and Iain Duncan Smith with a chair and a table, respectively. Gordon brown also threw someone through a wall, which was totally amazing.
If you've ever watched Prime Minister's Question on tv (lolf, I'm a big saddo) then you'll realise that this isn't actually very far from the truth. Although they don't actually assault each other, they wave their programmes around, shout through them and roll them up and throw them at each other (I made that last one up, and probably the second one as well).
It's totally brilliant.
On a forum I frequent (filled with the brightest stars in the galaxy, to quote one of them) we're having a bit of a debate about how to get people in this country more involved with politics. I think that in this case, as with everything, public displays of violence are the push we all need!
I want to see MPs doing this, and I want to see it every single day.
It's the same for Football. If there was more violence a la the World Cup final i'd definately be a regular follower!
By RichardAM, at 10:58 am
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